Are Google Awards real? (Beyond Chrome browser messages)

Are Google Awards real? (Beyond Chrome browser messages)

Are Google Awards real?

You have certainly been exposed to one of those messages that tell you that you are lucky, that you have won, and that you can choose your gift.

Like this one below:

Example of Google Awards appearing in the browser

Everyone has been exposed to this, and therefore you must be informed of the truth about these awards.

In addition to the best ways through which you can get real prizes from Google.

Now let’s start first with…

The truth about Google Chrome browser awards

All the prizes that appear in the browser (often while browsing an unreliable website) and which contain what are called pop-up advertisements (those that appear as soon as you click on any area of ​​the screen) are not real.

This certainly includes messages such as: 

  • Google Chrome Polls
  • Congratulations, you have won a free phone
  • Choose your prize

The goal of these ads is usually one of two things: 

  • Fraud users or steal your personal information through malware.
  • Or profit by entering your email or phone number.

The second goal is the most famous, and it is a huge profitable field called CPA , or profit from your promotion of offers and users registering their data in most cases.


When one of these ads appears, it is important that you:

  • You avoid completing any of these offers and close the window immediately.
  • You may also need to avoid such sites that contain this type of advertisement, which are often movie and series sites.

But some people told me that Google actually offers real rewards to users, is this true?

Yes, Google does offer rewards to users.

Now let me share with you…

Real ways to win prizes from Google

In this part, I will share with you 5 real ways through which you can win Google Awards.

We started with…

1- Google opinion rewards application

Want to profit from Google surveys ?

This is Google’s official application that offers you financial prizes for answering some opinion polls .

These short questionnaires, which aim to develop Google services, can help you earn points, some of which can be exchanged for Google Play cards or money that you can withdraw to your bank account.

Register for Googleopinionrewards

2- Google Ad grant

Google ad grant is a free grant offered by Google to students and non-profit companies.

You can participate in this scholarship whether you are a student, a mentor, or a non-profit organization.

The award for accepted institutions is: 

  • $10,000 per month advertising budget to appear in Google search.

Any non-profit organization can participate in it, and once accepted, you can benefit from other prizes, such as educational courses on advertising, whether Google or YouTube.

3- Doodle for Google

Doodle is an annual competition presented by Google for students from 5 to 17 years old.

This competition is launched annually and can be submitted until approximately March.

The Doodle Awards presented by Google are: 

  • $30,000 for the winner to choose a university scholarship.
  • $50,000 will be provided to the private school of the student competing in the competition for its technological development.

but unfortunately!!!

This competition is only available to students in the United States only, and therefore if you are from any Arab country or even a European country, registration is not available.

4- Hash code competition

Hash code is a competition presented by Google for student and professional programmers.

This competition is launched annually and you can participate in it, but you need to form a team of 2 to 4 individuals.

Through this competition, Google sets some challenges and the first 3 teams will receive financial prizes.

  • First team: $4,000 for each team member.
  • Second team: $2000 per person.
  • Finally, the third team: $1000 per person.

Hash Code is considered one of the most important Google competitions and the best in terms of prizes for programmers. Therefore, if programming is your field or you have experience in it, this is a special competition to join.

Additional reading:  The best programming books in Arabic

5- Code jam competition

According to Google, Code Jam is one of the longest-running programming competitions that offers huge financial prizes to programmers.

Code Jam is divided into 4 basic rounds in which programmers from all over the world compete.

In all of these rounds, you will be exposed to a set of programming problems, specifically in the field of algorithms,

Prizes will be distributed to the 25 best people as follows:

  • The first: 15 thousand dollars
  • Second: $2000
  • Third: $1000.
  • Place 4 – 25: $100 per person.

In the final round, the test takes place at one of Google’s headquarters.

Now that you know “Are Google Awards real or not” in addition to the 5 best ways to win Google Awards…

Tell me, have you chosen a way to start working on it and making money from it?

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us or leave your comment.

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