Earn $5 a day (9 ways you can do that) 2024

Can I earn $5 a day from the Internet?
As I always say at the beginning of my posts, it is easy as long as you work hard for this matter, and it is difficult as long as you wait for the money to fall from the sky to you.
Here you will find practical ways through which you can earn $5 per day.
That is, you will not find those sites that tell you that you can become rich easily.
Only practical methods and work projects require effort and continuous learning from you.
So are you ready to get started on these 5 bucks….
Or do you need those sites that most likely will not enable you to earn more than $1 per day ?
I hope you are now ready to get to work, and if you are, let me take you on a quick tour.
How to earn $5 a day from the Internet
Before writing this topic, I researched how to earn $5 a day to know what my friends were offering in Arabic content.
I found that mostly everyone offers profitable sites.
Here you will not find profit sites, but rather a group of methods that require you to work hard because I have simply tried most of these sites and I know very well that you will not be able to earn $5 a day from them (at least permanently).
You may be able to do so in your first days on the site, but after that you will not be able to do so.
So, what do you think about earning $5 a day permanently after two months? After a month? What about ways you can do that after a week of learning?
This is what you will find here, so if this is what you want, let me take you on a detailed tour…
1- Profit from blogging
If you want to earn $5 a day permanently, even without having to work, then earning money from blogging should be your choice.
So that you do not think that you will not have to work and learn and have unlimited hopes, you must know that blogging is one of the most areas of profit from the Internet and requires continuous learning and development.
3 years ago I read that I could earn about $1,000 from blogging, so I thought I would get them once I started.
Do you know how long I had to wait to earn $5 a day?
About 3 months.
This is because I was not focusing on only one area.
But once you master the work in this field, you can reach what the major foreign bloggers I follow have achieved, whose profits range from 10 thousand dollars to 100 thousand dollars per month (and certainly there are those who earn more than that).
But just for your information, 90% of bloggers’ monthly earnings do not exceed $99.
Blogging features
- You can combine several ways of earning.
- You can start for free or paid.
- If you want to stop working for a week, two weeks, or even a month, there is no problem with that, your profits will continue.
- Build a distinctive brand, especially if your content is distinctive.
- A project suitable for everyone.
Disadvantages of blogging
- It takes a relatively long time before you can see profits.
- The effort in the beginning is great and it is not easy.
- If you want to save both effort and time, you need money (but trust me, you must learn in order to follow what is happening in your investment).
How do you start working?
- Determine the field you would like to work on (preferably a field you are passionate about at first).
- Now you have to create your blog (free on Blogger – paid on WordPress).
- Now prepare your blog in order for search engines to find it.
- Start writing content for the website.
- Determine the best ways to profit from your blog (certainly by understanding your audience).
- Start getting visits to your site .
- Collect your profits.
You will not be able to learn the action steps between one night and the next, as the planning process is always the most important.
Determine a group of fields that you would like to work on, then look at other sites in the same field and understand how they get their visits and how they make money, whether through advertising, selling products, or other ways.
Do not despair, this is my golden advice to you, it is worth the effort.
2- YouTube channels
I did not know how much profit you could earn from YouTube until I conducted a study of the profits of YouTube channels .
In fact, YouTube is the second best source through which you can earn millions of dollars, not just $5 a day.
It is the second source for me, but it is the first for thousands of people in the Arab world.
In general, you can achieve about $2 per 1,000 views of your video, and this percentage varies depending on your audience and content.
That is, you only need your video to get 3,000 views to find yourself earning $5 a day with ease.
According to the recent conditions set by Google, there are some things that you must do first (and believe me when I tell you that they are not easy at all) and they require a lot of effort from you, and they are:
- 1000 subscribers (this is easy).
- 4000 hours of watching videos on your channel (this will take you a lot of time).
- Your channel does not contain content that violates the terms and conditions of the AdSense advertising program .
These are the most important conditions set by Google in order for you to start your YouTube channel
What do you need to start earning from this method?
- Choose the field in which you will submit videos.
- Determine the method of displaying videos (screen capture – free videos with voiceover – or will you appear yourself).
- Create and configure your channel (it’s very easy, don’t worry).
- After that, start uploading videos.
You should know that in the beginning you will not get millions of views, but with time you will find yourself attracting many subscribers to your channel, especially if your content is new and distinctive.
3- Profit from drop servicing
Perhaps this method is not widely spread in the Arab world, unlike drop shipping.
But here too you can earn $5 a day with ease.
If you don’t know what I’m talking about, it’s simply….
A process in which you buy services (articles – videos – designs – etc.) at a low price and then sell them at a higher price, and the price difference here becomes your profit.
What do you need to profit from this method?
- To find a required service that many people are searching for (you can find this easily through freelance )
- You are looking for people to provide this service at a low price (you will also find them on freelancer websites )
- You start presenting that service as if you are the person performing it and submit samples (that you have already purchased from this person)
- Then you collect your profits.
Where do you get these services?
There are many ways in which you can find a desired service at a low price, but basically you can use two sites:
You can also use Seoclerk as a source for the services that you sell on Fiverr , because you will find many services at very low prices, even less than $5.
What are the ways to promote these services?
- The most expensive job sites (Freelancer – Upwork)
- Create your own services website and display all your services (the best method because you can place more than one type of services)
- Some people use social media sites such as Facebook and create their own page.
What is important in the case of your own website or page is the following:
To run advertising campaigns to reach your potential customers.
One of the most important advantages of this method is that it does not require you to have capital to start, and its biggest disadvantage is choosing the appropriate freelancer.
Therefore, be very careful to carefully choose those who work with you in this way so that you can satisfy the client.
4- Instagram
Having a strong Instagram account may enable you to earn much more than just $5 a day.
We have already talked previously about making profits from Instagram and other social media sites such as WhatsApp, Tik Tok, and even Twitter.
But I am here to tell you the best thing you can do through your Instagram account.
- Create a new Instagram account and select a distinct field to work on.
- Start adding photos to your account and using hashtags and other means to promote your account.
- Once you have a good number of followers, go to brands in your field (or wait for them to come to you, because they will).
- You don’t want to promote them, no problem. Create your online store and sell products in your field.
- Don’t you want that too? No problem, sell your Instagram account, which has 10,000 followers, for more than $500.
Where can you sell your account?
You can sell your account through many sites, but the most important are these two sites:
- Social Trade website
- Fame swap website
An additional way to earn $5 a day easily from this method?
Would you like a more distinctive way without waiting until you expand your account?
No problem…
From the above sites you can get good profits by recycling accounts.
The meaning here…
The Fameswap contains accounts at lower prices, so you can buy from it and sell on the Social Tradia website, through which you can sell for multiples of those prices.
But first, make sure to choose excellent accounts so that you can sell them at good prices.
5- Affiliate marketing
I will not be able to explain the topic in detail here, as we have already created an entire series that you can follow through the link below.
But you should know that working in affiliate marketing is considered one of the best ways to make money.
But in order to be able to profit from this method, you must first learn the basics of affiliate marketing .
After that all you have to do is:
- Finding products that are wanted by many people (or strange products that prompt them to try them).
- Study the market to know the prices of these products and how other people market them?
- Join one of the affiliate marketing networks that provides you with a marketing link (or some sites that provide you with purchasing the product for the customer directly)
- The next step now is to know all the details about the product so that you can market it excellently.
- Finally, you must determine your marketing channel (social media – website – PPC campaigns – etc.)
The best thing about affiliate marketing is that you do not need a large capital to start, but you do need a lot of study before you can earn $5 a day.
One last thing…
Receiving your money from this method varies depending on the source of the products. The method of receipt may be:
If you want to earn at least $5 a day from writing Arabic articles , then creativity is what you must master.
In order to reach that point in the matter, I had to find an easy way to convey the information to you.
This applies not only to the field of my blog, but to many fields.
Getting the reader’s attention should be your first goal.
After that come all the other requirements.
The most important thing you must learn so that you can get a very respectable amount per month from this method…
- Organization (organize your information before writing the topic).
- Linguistic checking and review (try as much as possible to avoid mistakes in a topic).
- Learn the basics of SEO and article writing (if you want us to make an article about it, tell us in the comments).
- You must be a good reader and follower of everything that is published on competing sites in order to offer more than them in your topic.
Where can you work with this skill?
There are several places where you can start, the most important of which are:
- Social media (groups specializing in content writing)
- Job sites as a freelancer.
- Start your own services on your own website.
- Applying for a company (on LinkedIn you will find many companies looking for a writer).
7- Cryptocurrency trading
Cryptocurrencies are considered the best investment you can make for the future (this is not investment advice at all).
This is what major investors around the world are saying.
But even if it is not good as an investment for the future, trading digital currencies will certainly enable you to earn $5 per day.
Maybe not on a daily basis, but you may be able to profit from a few transactions per month in the amount of $150 per month.
But be careful…
This type of investment is not easy.
So that you understand what I am saying, let me tell you a personal experience.
I bought one of the digital currencies (Ethereum) and the price of that currency was $2000. I decided to follow the currency and made the purchase when the price was $1600.
After only 24 hours, the currency price fell to $1,350 (can you imagine the size of the losses)
If I had responded to my feelings at that moment and sold, the loss would have been terrible.
But I waited and did not sell yet, and the price is currently rising again at $1590, and it is about to turn my loss into a gain again.
This is what I want you to always pay attention to in any area of trading. Never respond to your feelings except when absolutely necessary.
Trading in encrypted digital currencies has been my business for a while now. I do it in a simple way and it earns me a profit of $5 a day with ease.
But your daily profits depend mainly on your investment amount.
If you bought when the price was 1350 and it reached 1600 now, your profit in a week would now be 250 dollars.
8- Working as a voiceover commentator
Another excellent way to earn $5 a day with ease.
Working as a voice over requires having a distinctive voice.
If you believe that you have a distinctive voice (whether a boy or a girl), then this job is one of the most in-demand jobs on the various freelance sites.
- All you have to do is read the script that the service provider will present to you and record it.
- It is also necessary to have an excellent microphone to work with so that the purity of the sound you record is excellent.
- Make sure to record in a quiet place.
This work is more suitable for girls.
9- Profit from various tasks
This method is considered one of the best ways to make money from the Internet for beginners , and I recommend it when a person does not want to bother in the first place.
If you are from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia or the Gulf countries, earning $5 a day from this method is considered very normal.
But for other countries, profits are often much, much lower than that.
Here, all you need to do is simple taskswatching videos , or other simple things.
In general, in Saudi Arabia, you will get a lot of surveys that you can answer and earn up to $5 per survey.
But in our other Arab countries, such as Egypt, you may not find most of these questionnaires at all.
The most important sites that I visit based on our personal experiences:
- ysense website
- picoworkers website
- And finally, Timebucks
These are the best sites according to our experience, but there are many other sites that you can work on.
This topic was to explain the best ways through which you can earn $5 per day, according to our personal experiences.
Now let me hear from you…
What is your favorite method among these methods and through which you think you can profit from the Internet?
Is it Instagram accounts?
Or digital currencies or tasks?
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to leave your comment or contact us through our Facebook page.