How many followers can I earn from Tik Tok? (in detail)

How many followers do you need to profit from Tik Tok?
Is there really a specific number of followers so that you can get money from Tik Tok?
In this guide, I will answer all these questions in detail.
A while ago I started using TikTok, and I had the same questions.
So, from personal experience, let me answer you in detail.
And now we start with…
Do you have to have a large number of followers to profit from Tik Tok?
In theory, the number of followers on any platform, no matter how small, can be exploited and profit from it, but in practice and upon experience, if the number of followers is small, you will not be able to profit from either Tik Tok or other platforms.
Or at least you will not be able to win a good amount.
So yes, you need a relatively large number of followers in order to be able to profit from Tik Tok .
But what is more important than followers is that your videos get views.
Now let me tell you what you want to know…
How many followers can I earn from Tik Tok?
As I told you above, the number of your followers on TikTok is not a measure, but the more the number is certainly, the better.
Each method of profit requires certain conditions and a certain number of followers.
Since all the numbers you saw on other sites are not accurate, let me share with you the real numbers from my experience on the program.
for example…
Profit from Tik Tok broadcasts
In order to be able to create a Live, you need at least 1,000 followers in your account.
This is a basic condition that you must fulfill just so you can enter a live broadcast. As for the amount of profit, this depends on the gifts that are sent to you during the broadcast.
Learn about:How to correctly calculate the value of Tik Tok points?
Profit from paid advertisements
This is the highest-profit method, which is used by most content creators on TikTok, where you get free products as gifts or even contracts with some brands.
Although this method relies more on video views, I found that the most appropriate number of followers to receive offers from companies is at least 100,000 subscribers.
Read also:How many followers to make money from Instagram?
Register on TikTok Marketplace
In order to be able to register in this program, you need to have at least 100,000 followers on your TikTok account, in addition to 100,000 video views in the previous month.
This feature is available to some countries and others not, so it is important to make sure that your country has this method available.
TikTok marketplace is an intermediary platform launched by TikTok to connect content creators with global brands, and through it all your data is shared with the advertiser, such as:
- The number of your followers and the amount of increase.
- Your monthly views.
- The rate of audience interaction with your content.
- The total number of likes and comments you received.
- And other data…
So it is an excellent feature because here you will not search for brands, but they will find them automatically.
Learn about:The benefit of tapping in Tik Tok
Gifts for videos
In order to be able to get gifts for your regular videos, and not live broadcasts, you need a larger number of followers, which is 100 thousand.
You can also collect donations or have followers send you money directly through what are called tips.
Read also:How much are Tik Tok gifts worth in detail?
Number of followers to profit from TikTok creator fund
This method began in the United States, and now it is also available to:
- England
- France
- Italy
- Germany
- Spain
I believe that in the coming months it will begin to be made available in the Arab world.
The method, in short, provides you with profits from Tik Tok ads, similar to those you get from YouTube.
Your profits are calculated according to the number of views.
Here you need:
- At least 10 thousand followers in your account.
- 100 thousand views of your clips in the previous 30 days.
These are the most important methods and the number of followers needed to profit through them.
Is it possible to make money with less than 1000 followers?
Let’s agree that the highest method of profit available in the Arab world is broadcasting, and it requires at least 1,000 subscribers.
But, you can definitely earn less than 1,000 subscribers by affiliate marketing for different products that your audience might be interested in.
Final note:
Most of the above methods are only available for personal accounts and not business accounts, so make sure of that.
Learn about:How to hide followers on Tik Tok?
This was my detailed answer about how many followers to make money from Tik Tok.
Now tell me…
Which method would you like to try?
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