How to choose a YouTube channel name (do not start before reading this guide)

Want to know how to choose a YouTube channel name?
Choosing a channel name is an essential factor for your success in this field.
Therefore, when starting out, it is necessary to try as much as possible to make your channel name distinctive.
But it is not that easy, as there are many things that you must apply and some things that you must completely avoid in your channel name.
So if you’re ready, let me take you on a tour that will enable you to choose a unique name for your YouTube channel.
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First let’s get to know me…
Why is choosing a YouTube channel name carefully important?
Aside from the fact that it represents the identity of your channel and the viewer understands what your content revolves around…
However, the important thing is that it appears everywhere (channel – under videos – YouTube search).
Therefore, if the name is difficult to remember, does not represent your content, or has any of the problems listed below, you will not be able to get clicks on your videos, and therefore you will not be able to increase views on your channel .
Now let’s quickly move on to…
How to choose a distinctive YouTube channel name?
Before I tell you what should be in your channel name, let me give you a gift that will help you…
If you intend to name your channel in English, there are some sites that may help you create new ideas.
These sites are basically called name generators.
All you have to do is:
- Set one of the keywords for your YouTube channel.
- After that, the site will generate hundreds of names that you can use on your channel.
The most famous name generator is the Shopify name generator. You can use it to get some ideas.
Now let’s talk about…
Things you should avoid when choosing your channel name
There are some important things that you should avoid when choosing a YouTube channel name, the most important of which are:
- Choose a very long name
In YouTube, the brand is considered the most important thing, and viewers knowing your channel and remembering it is the basis of your success.
Therefore, if you choose a name that is too long, the viewer will not be able to see it completely, which will ultimately lead to forgetting the name of your channel or not subscribing at all.
- Use of strange symbols in the name
Most likely, I will think that this channel provides spam content if I find its name strange or that it may be hacked, so I will definitely not subscribe to it.
This is what you should pay close attention to when choosing a YouTube channel name.
Make the name easy and simple without any complications.
- Use large numbers in the name
It is also important not to use many numbers when choosing the channel name.
Imagine with me the name of your channel, which is (Electronic Marketing 58145648). Do you think anyone will remember those numbers?
Therefore, be careful not to use too many numbers in your channel name.
- Names that have nothing to do with your content
If you intend to start a gaming channel, do not name it (The Bridal Kitchen).
It is necessary to use a channel name that has some relation to the content and niche you want to work on.
- Names in unknown languages
If you are starting a channel for the Arab audience, make sure to name it in Arabic, not French.
There are many people who do not use French, so they will not be able to understand the channel name, and therefore you will not be able to increase subscribers to your channel from that category.
These were the most important things to avoid when choosing a name for a new YouTube channel, and now let’s talk a little about….
Important things to do when choosing a YouTube channel name
First, before you think about choosing a name for your YouTube channel, you should ask yourself:
- Your goal for the channel (will you train people, promote products, or just advertisements?)
- The topic you intend to start on (channel content).
- Do you own a website with a specific brand (if so, perhaps using the same name is the ideal solution).
Now that you have thought about all this and put it in your mind, let us learn about some important steps when choosing a YouTube channel name.
The most important of these steps are the following:
Don’t rush to choose a name
Think a lot about the name and start asking your close friends and repeat it out loud to find out if it is appropriate or not.
Make sure that your channel name is not used
Before you start launching your channel with any name, you must research to find out whether the name is in use or not.
Not only the channel name, but you must also make sure that the domain in your channel name is available.
The domain is the website address, for example (
This is simply because, sooner or later, your channel will begin to become famous and gain a large number of followers, whom you will begin to transfer to your site to increase your profits .
The shorter the name, the better
Short names are easy to remember, so if you intend to launch a brand on YouTube, choose a short channel name.
Use your personal name
The more the content relates to you, the better it is to use your personal name.
For example:
Your goal in launching the channel is to profit from selling courses, so using your personal name will increase people’s knowledge of you and thus they will trust you and then start buying your courses.
If your channel’s content is in the field, let’s say (cooking), then using your personal name will not make sense.
This leads us to the next step, which is…
Choose a channel name that is relevant to your content
In the same previous example, you can use a channel name such as (Chef’s Kitchen…).
Or for example (homemade food) or something else.
The main goal is to be relevant to the content you provide.
If you can use one of the main keywords for your channel in the name, you will benefit greatly from this.
Choose a name that is easy to remember and pronounce
Not any short name is easy to remember. For example, (Saffafa) is considered a short name, but will you remember it?
Of course not, so make sure to use a name that is easy to remember.
It is also important that I can pronounce the channel name, otherwise how will I remember it?
Using names that are difficult to pronounce will not help much.
Thus, we have finished how to choose a YouTube channel name.
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us and tell us.