Profit from the Google search engine (exclusive methods) 2022

Profit from the Google search engine (exclusive methods) 2022

How can I profit from the Google search engine? 

This was one of the questions he asked someone through messages on our Facebook page.

Instead of responding directly in messages, after searching for that word, I found a good number of people actually searching for it.

I decided to answer this question in a topic so that you and anyone else can find a comprehensive answer to your question.

Here you will not find a group of sites that enable you to profit simply by entering the search term into Google.


You will find methods and methods tested by us (exclusive methods) and by many marketers and bloggers around the world.

So pay close attention to me and let’s answer me…

Watch the video about making money from Google here: 

[wpcc-iframe src=”″ width=”471″ height=”311″ allowfullscreen=”allowfullscreen”]


The best ways to profit from the Google search engine 2021 

1- Profit from selling your search engine experience

If you want to make money from the Google search engine, you must understand how it works?

What I mean by this way of working is Search Engine Optimization, or as it is commonly known (SEO).

To clarify: This process means optimizing sites to become search engine compatible (and this mostly applies to Google).


But how can you profit from this??

The SEO process includes many aspects within it. You can learn all of them, you can learn only one of them, and you can learn some of them. This matter in the end is up to you.

What I guarantee you in the end is that once you learn one of these methods, you will be able to make money.


What you can learn: 
  • On-page SEO (this means improving the site from within to make it compatible with the Google search engine)
  • Off-page SEO (this means strengthening your site from the outside, meaning other sites talk about you)
  • Technical SEO (some technical things that you must configure on your site before you even configure the other two types)
How much can you earn from your experience?

How much experience do you have? 

Are you a beginner?! Then you won’t win anything  

Are you average experience? Do you know some things and have mastered them well? You can earn a minimum of $500 per month.

Are you a professional and have your own projects that you are working on? Have you achieved great successes and would you like to offer your services to website owners or implement complete projects? You can earn a minimum of $5,000 per month.

What I mean here…

The amount of profit in this method depends mainly on the extent of your skill and experience in what you offer.

What can you sell? 

What do keywords mean? 

In short, they are the words or phrases that people search for in search engines.

Is there really anyone who buys these things? 

Yes, website owners (some of them, of course) want to know what people are searching for, so they request that service (to save time – or because they do not have experience in choosing words).

Here is an example of purchases for the service on the Fiverr website


#Audit the site

This method means that you create a comprehensive report for the client’s site.

You present to him the most important errors on his site and give him ways to correct those errors.

Don’t worry…

You will not enter the site and analyze it manually.

There are many tools with which you can place a link to the site and they will provide you with a comprehensive report on the site in terms of errors and corrections that must be made.

What you really need to learn is (what is inside the report and how to fix it)

The problem here is that the tools that do this reporting are paid, so this may require some risk.

The most important of these tools: 
  • Seobility is our recommendation for you if you want to start (it has a free plan – keywords – comparison with competitors – Audit – etc.) In the beginning is definitely the best.
  • Ahrefs is a paid tool for $99 per month
  • Semrush is also paid for at $99 per month
  • Ubersuggest is paid and is considered very good if you are starting out. Its price is only $12 per month .

Here is an example of purchases for the service on the Fiverr website


#Competitor analysis
The website owner does not stand alone in his field. He certainly has competitors, right? 
Some people do not have enough time to analyze competitors, write content, and other tasks related to website owners.
So they appoint some people to do this task for them.
You can also do this task for them through the tools mentioned above as well.

Here is an example of purchases for the service on the Fiverr website



There are many other services that you can provide if you learn SEO well, including:
  • Copywriting of the content 
  • Backlinks work 
  • Share articles on social media
  • Fixing SEO errors on websites
  • Guest Post 
  • Creating an integrated project for the site
Each of these services related to search engine optimization can be talked about in the future in its own topic, but so that the topic does not drag on, search for it yourself.
If you want us to tackle a specific topic, tell us in the comments .


** Do not worry, I will not leave you at the beginning of the path. If you want to learn all this information for free, there are many sources to get started.
Learning resources: 

2- Profit from Google ads 

Did you know that you can profit from paid Google ads? 
This method applies to all types of paid ads that you can pay Google for.
But our discussion now will be about the search ads that appear when using the Google search engine, those in the picture below >>


But how do I profit from this type of advertising? 
How do you pay the money already? 
There are many ways through which you can profit, and I have collected the best ones for you here: 
#Sell your advertising skills to others
Becoming a professional in Google Ads is very important.
Not just for your business and marketing your stuff.
You can also make creating advertising campaigns your job.
There are many people who are looking for professionals to create advertising campaigns for them on Google.
Where do you find these clients? 
On freelancing sites (not microservices), large project sites such as: 
  • independent 
  • Let me do it 
  • upwork
  • freelancer
  • Google Maps (go to Google and type, for example, a lawyer in Cairo Governorate> It will show you the addresses of many lawyers>>Go to them and offer to run advertising campaigns for their office for free as an experiment. For the first month, the advertising amount is only>> > After that, when he finds that you have increased the consultations he receives and thus his profits >>>> ask him for a monthly salary)
What you have to do is learn everything related to Google Ads.
Learning resources:
I have now brought you the best sources through which you can master Google Ads, which are as follows: 
# Profit from the search engine by marketing third-party products with a commission
Want to profit from Google? 
The best way now is to make advertisements and promote others’ products, and in return, you will get a commission.
Do you remember the picture above that showed the type of advertisement? 
We were searching for (the best web hosting) and a result appeared for one of the sites in the form of an advertisement.
Within this advertising link, you will find a list of the best hosting sites and a nomination from this site for one of the hosting sites.
Do you know the lowest commission if someone makes a purchase through those links?
If the website owner exploits Google search engine ads to profit and generate a monthly income from marketing others’ products with a commission.

Learn about: the basics of affiliate marketing and a comprehensive course to get started

# Profit from the search engine by promoting your products
If you own products (any type of product):
  • courses
  • Microservices
  • Consultations
  • Local products (if you are a manufacturer or merchant)
  • Products for your online store (dropshipping)


If you have any of these products, why not use Google ads to increase your sales and thus your profits?
According to our personal experiences, Google ads are considered the best in the Gulf countries and foreign countries, unlike Egypt, where Facebook ads are still the best.

3- Profit from adding the Google search engine to your site

If you own a website or blog, this method will bring you good additional profits.
First, you must have an advertising account on Google Adsense.
For those who do not know Google AdSense, we have developed a comprehensive guide to making money through it, which you can view to learn more.
After that, all you have to do is follow the following steps:
  • Log in to your Google AdSense account.
  • Go to the ads and from there choose >> (according to the advertising unit) >>> then choose (the search engine) as in the picture



Profit from adding the Google search engine to your site


  • After you choose the search engine, you will be shown an image naming the advertising unit. Then you will copy the code for the search engine and paste it into your website or blog.
  • Every time someone searches on Google using the search engine on your site, you begin to profit by 51% of the ads that appear to the user in the search results.
Example: the optimized search engine found at the beginning of this topic.

4- Profit from Google AdSense

This method is not to profit from the Google search engine in the literal sense, but to profit from one of Google’s companies.
AdSense is the advertising program that owners:
  • Locations
  • Applications
  • YouTube channels


By registering in it to start earning, I have already talked about it in detail, so I will not spoil it for you.
Refer to the item above and you will find a link to the comprehensive guide.

5- Profit from searching using the search engine

But if you want to profit every time you search for something and this is your goal in searching for this topic.
This is the part you are looking for.
I will provide you with 2 sites that have a search engine inside them. You will earn money every time you search for something using it.
  • Qmee : A foreign site that is considered the most famous among the sites for making money from performing tasks . It is famous for saving you money in exchange for using the Google search engine, as it shows you advertisements that you click on (only available for foreign countries).
  • Swagbucks : It is also considered one of the most famous sites that offer this option, and although it provides few opportunities for Arabs, it is available (you cannot rely on search, just try other methods if you want to work on it)


Did I answer your question? 

I tried to compile the best ways through which you can profit from the Google search engine.
But I certainly didn’t cover everything, maybe I forgot something.
If you have any other method that can be shared with us so we can add it, do not hesitate to let us know.
Now tell us…
What method did you like and decided to start with?
When will you start learning and applying it?
Is it selling your knowledge about the search engine? Or sell ads? Or create your blog and add a search engine to it?
If you like the topic, help us and share it with others.

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