The best e-marketing books (to sell anything to anyone)

The best e-marketing books (to sell anything to anyone)

Are you a company owner or own a project?
Are you someone who sells products online? If the answer is yes, then you certainly realize the value of marketing and its importance for the success of your project or product. No matter how popular the project or product that you are selling is, you need distinctive marketing to attract the attention of consumers to your product or project, and not to the projects or products of your competitors.


* Evidence of the importance of good marketing for your project is the huge amounts of money that these major companies in the world pay for their advertising campaigns in order to attract very large numbers of people to buy their product. You can search on the Internet or YouTube and see the marketing campaigns of the largest companies such as Apple or Pepsi. Or Coca-Cola or McDonald’s, and the extent of the skill in implementing marketing campaigns, and this is the greatest evidence of the importance of electronic marketing.



* In this topic, we offer you a group of books that help you master the art of marketing. They are indeed the best and best-selling books in the field of marketing . If you apply the steps in them, you will be sure of the success of your project and making good profits from it, and selling any product of yours to anyone and convincing them of this product, but Of course, the quality of the product must be high

In order not to prolong the discussion, let us quickly move on to the best and best-selling books in the field of marketing in the world

The best books in the field of marketing 

1- The book How to Master the Art of Selling by Tom Hopkins 

About the writer 
Tom Hopkins is considered the leading authority on selling technology and manufacturing  
* Tom Hopkins wrote 18 books, including this book, which has sold about 2 million copies around the world   
* Hopkins had an innovative teaching style, which made him popular and had many followers 
* Tom Hopkins is considered one of the most successful businessmen in the world, but he did not find success easily. He worked in the field of real estate, and his average income was $42 per month after 6 months of work, but he began to learn everything related to selling professionally.  
* After learning and knowing everything related to the art of selling and marketing, Hopkins’ sales volume reached 14 million dollars within 5 years, and then he founded his company to teach and educate others. 
Book summary 
The book How to Master the Art of Selling is considered one of the best books in the field of marketing and is considered a huge reference guide for producers in all areas of sales. 
Tom Hopkins speaks in this book that the art of selling is an acquired skill that is not inherited, and that the most famous marketers and salespeople in the world were not born like this, but rather they studied and learned until they mastered the selling process. 
* In order to understand and master the art of selling, you must target a specific category of people. If you are offering a specific product or service, you must know in the beginning what category will be attracted to this product so that you can target it in your marketing campaign. 
The writer also talks about: 

* The basics of the sales process and knowledge of the product in all aspects 
* Advantages of working in the sales profession 
* How to double and increase your profits 
* How and when to start or end a deal 

2- The one minute sales person 

About the writer 
The One Minute Sales book is by Spencer Johnson and Larry Wilson 
Spencer Johnson 
One of the most famous authors in the world, he wrote many books and helped write many books  
* One of his most famous books is Who Moved My Cheese ? And the book the one minute manager   
* He helped many people live a better life through simple facts and information that helped them achieve success at work and at home.  
Book summary 
*Published in 1984  
* The book is an easy, simple and enjoyable way to achieve success in the field of sales with simple practical steps 
* In this book, Spencer and Larry provide advice and practical steps to the seller. The book covers many useful aspects, such as how to act and listen to customers and provide after-sales service through calls to try to satisfy the buyer and improve relations with him.  
* Spencer tries to apply simple techniques that help people feel satisfied with what they buy and create a kind of positivity in the customer until he makes the purchase.  

3- The psychology of selling 

About the writer 
Brian Tracy, the author of this book, is considered one of the most famous American writers, author and motivational speaker 

* He wrote more than 70 books that were translated into many languages


* Among his most famous books: 
eat that frog 
maximum achievement 
personal success   
Book summary 
*The book was published in 1985 
* The Psychology of Selling is one of the important books that every seller or marketer should read  
*The book consists of 8 chapters: 
Chapter one 
He talks about the sales game and the importance of salespeople and marketers in any business 
Chapter II 
It talks about setting goals and working to achieve them, whether they are annual, monthly, weekly, or daily goals, and how to achieve them. 
Chapter III 
Talking about why people buy? Why would it be better if they bought your product or a competitor’s product? Quality and price are not always the motivation to buy  
the fourth chapter 
It talks about how to sell in an innovative and creative way 
Chapter V 
He talks about how to get more work appointments and interviews and how to use your time 
Chapter six 
He talks about the power of suggestion and how people are strongly influenced by the suggestions around them 
Chapter VII 
It talks about the sales process and the impact of the first words you speak to your customers 
Chapter Eight 
In it, the author presents 10 steps to success in the sales process 

4- The little red book of selling 

About the author: The author

of this book is Jeffrey Gitomer (Jeffrey Gitomer)
* Jeffrey has written 13 books, the most famous of which are this book, the Sales Bible , and the little gold book of yes
* Jeffrey offers an educational academy that offers educational lessons worldwide in sales, learning management, and more.

Summary of the book

* The book was published in September 2004
* The book talks about how to succeed in life in general more than talking about how to succeed in sales and how marketers must develop themselves in various fields
* You have to take a step, and if you don’t, blame yourself only
* Get up In order for you to succeed
* Develop personal skills for selling and do not forget to choose the appropriate community
* The value of the product along with social relationships is very important, as people want to make deals with their friends and acquaintances
* Think carefully about where you go for selling and marketing and spend 75% of your time with people who do not You know them
* If you can make customers laugh in the market, you can make them buy
* In order to become hidden from others and push the customer to buy, you must be creative
* The fear of buying is something that you must remove from buyers. Compare the risk and return, remove the risk step by step
* A good seller has a good reputation. People move based on what is said about you


5- Building a story brand 

About the writer  
The author of this book is Donald Miller, an American author and speaker, born in 1971  
* He is the CEO of Story Brand. 
* Miller made a name for himself by writing deeply personal essays on faith, God, and self-discovery  
* Miller wrote many books, the most famous of which is Blue Like Jazz , which is his first book, and the last book is this book on the list, Building a Story Brand.
Book summary 
* Organizations succeed when they talk about people and their needs and not about their goods and solutions  
* In order to be classified as a successful organization or person, you must communicate your message and at the same time leave an unforgettable impact. 
* I am talking about the needs of the consumer or the person in front of you that do not deviate from his needs (people do not like the shower) 
* Make a story about people’s needs and their lives and you will almost leave an unforgettable impact. 
He also says that in order to create a story that makes people and consumers feel unwell, you need 7 steps in your marketing process: 
1- Champion (Consumer) 
The consumer or customer must be No. 1 in the company’s thinking or the salesman’s thinking. Focus on the consumer, study his needs and determine them well. 
2- A problem facing the hero 
In order to make the consumer buy your product or the service you provide, he must know at the beginning that he has a problem and that he lacks this need, because very many people do not know that this need is what they need. 
3- At this time, the marketer appears to help the person reach the goal he needs 
4- You have a plan as a marketer to reach a goal 
In order for him to trust you, you must introduce him to a plan with which he can reach a goal. What is the benefit of this person if he does not help him? 
5- Ask him a request  
As a marketer, you ask the buyer to buy the product or service that you provide from you, or you ask him for a free sample to try the product, or that he contact you or someone else. 
6- Avoids failure 
People always take a step when they feel that they will not lose, not when they feel that they will gain, so you must convey to the buyer the idea that the product or service is valuable and that he will not lose when he buys it and pays any amount for it. 
7- The person succeeds in the end and achieves his goal 
People love to reach their goal and need someone to show them the way. Try to make them feel successful when they buy your product or service. 
Because the topic is not long enough, I hope I was able to help you and provide information in an easy way. 
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* If anyone has any other useful books, he can add them in the comments so that everyone can benefit 

About the writer

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