The best sites for making money from writing captcha codes

The best sites for making money from writing captcha codes

You are here now because you want to know the best sites for making money from writing captcha codes. 
I know very well that you are new to the field of making money from the Internet, so you are looking for an easy way to start. 
is not it ? 
I was also like you and searched a lot for sites to make money by writing good captcha codes until I found the list below. 
Therefore, once you finish reading this topic, you will learn about the best of these sites and start making profits.


In the beginning, you should know that any method of making a profit from the Internet does not require much effort or skill, which means little profits (mostly, but not a general rule).


if you think that by

writing captcha codesyou can become rich or earn thousands of dollars a month, unfortunately, you will be greatly disappointed.The field

of making money from Captchais actually one of the good fields for making money online, especially for beginners, but it usually brings you small profits of $10-$50 per month.Therefore, if you are looking forward to small profits and want to gradually move to more profitable methods, complete this topic with me.

Learn about the best ways to make money from the Internet for beginners 


Why is profiting from Captcha the best way for beginners for me? 

If you are a beginner and want to start in a field of

making money from the Internetand do not have experience or skill, then I think that the Captcha field is one of the appropriate fields.In my personal opinion, it is better than a field such asmaking money from watching ads, which is preferred by many beginners for the following reasons:

  • captcha sites depend on the number of codes you solve, although there are an abundance of codes.
  •  The minimum amount for withdrawing profits fromsites that earn from writing captchais very low compared to sites that earn from watching ads.
  •  Sites for making money from watching ads have a limited number of ads that you can view, which makes profits from this method limited, unlike profit from captcha. 


How much can you earn from writing captcha codes daily? 

One of our followers here on the Profits Expert blog told us that he earns approximately $3 per day from solving these codes, or about

$100per month.When you start working on these sites, you will find people earning about $30 a day from solving these codes.

But in reality…

when I tried these sites, it became clear that you can actually achieve these profits, but after a long period of work, but in the beginning, you will be able to achieve between $0.25 – $1 per day, which is about

$10 – $40per month.

Profit rates on captcha earning sites? 

The profit rates offered by each site vary depending on several factors, including:

– The timing of work (the period in which you solve the codes)
– The rates that customers pay to the site

. These rates usually range between $0.20 – $0.42 for regular captcha codes, while they range between $1 – $2 for recaptcha codes (those images that you choose).

Learn about the 20 most important real businesses to work on the Internet 


What are captcha codes? 

Captcha codes or verification letters are images, symbols, mathematical operations, sounds, etc. that a person solves in order to ensure that this is a real person and not a robot program.

Why do captcha earning sites pay money to users to write these codes? 

In fact, I do not know the answer to this question. Perhaps a group of hackers will use these codes.

Or maybe good people.

I don’t know,but Captcha sites tell us that many companies do not have enough time to write these codes, so they hire some people to solve them.

Is it really possible to profit from captcha? 

Profiting from writing captcha codes

is considered one of the most famous and oldest methods, and in fact you can achieve relatively good profits as a beginner, and at the end of the rest of the topic you will find personal payment proofs from us here on the Profits Expert blog.In previous years, people’s profits from writing Captcha were very large, and unfortunately these profits are constantly decreasing as a result of the increase in people working in this method. 

The best sites for making money from writing captcha codes 

There are hundreds of sites that enable you to earn money by writing captcha codes.


Only a few are honest and pay users!!!

In addition, only a few have hundreds of codes that you can solve, and you will not have to wait until you find some codes.

I will arrange the best and most profitable sites for you that contain a lot of codes

The best site for making money by writing captcha codes,

2CAPTCHA, is considered one of the distinguished and very old sites in the field of

making profits from captcha.2captcha features a bot to earn money through, and downloading this program will provide you with recaptcha codes, which will enable you to earn $1-1.5/1000 captcha codes that you write.

By working for 45 minutes on the site, I was able to earn about $0.15, meaning you need to work for 3 hours a day to earn

$30-$50per month just by solving captcha codes.You can see my profits from the site in just 30 minutes in this picture, and if you can type quickly, you can earn a lot in just 30 minutes.

* The best time to work on the site, from my personal experience, is between 12-6 pm and from 11-1 pm. You will find a very large number of captcha codes.

* The site pays $0.30 – $1 for every 1000 captcha codes.
* The site provides another way to profit, which is by referring friends or referrals 


* On the 2CAPTCHA website, you can see your profits multiply quickly and reach the minimum withdrawal limit. 

* The minimum amount to withdraw funds is

$0.5.You can withdraw profits via:

– Payeer
– Perfect money– Bitcoin
– Adv cash
– Airtm
– webmoney

Proof of payment from the 2Captcha website

Profit from the 2captcha website for writing captcha codes




It is best to profit from writing captcha codes, but it requires accuracy in writing the codes.

Why is kolotibablo considered the best among captcha sites?

After my personal experience with the site, I can recommend this site to you for several reasons, including:

  •  It has a very large number of captcha codes throughout the day. You will not have to wait for a certain period until you find some codes. 
  •  Payment is made instantly at the same time when requesting payment. 
  •  The minimum amount to withdraw profits from the site is very low, $1.
  •  The highest profit rates you find on the Kolotibablo website. 
  •  If you do not find enough codes, you can make discounts on the commission you charge, which will provide you with a greater number of codes to solve. 
  •  You will be given a bonus (gift) whenever you solve a greater number of codes. 


* If your error rate exceeds a certain number of errors (about 17 errors/1000 captcha), your account will be blocked without you receiving any profits.

Therefore, you should pay close attention when writing codes and working on the kolotibablo website.

You can withdraw profits from the kolotibablo website by:

– Bitcoin
– Litecoin
– Ethereum
– Advcash
– Capitalist
– Internal transfer to another person

Proof of withdrawal from the kolotibablo website

Profit from writing captcha codes on the kolotibablo website
Register on kolotibablo
MEGATYPERS is considered one of the best sites for earning captcha.
* The site pays between $0.5 and $2/1000 Captcha code, depending on the time worked on the site.

* Many people who registered on this site achieved very good profits of up to $100 per month.

Due to the increase in the number of people registering on the site, the number of Captcha codes that you can write has decreased, so the chances of profit from the site have decreased.

* MEGATYPERS pays via: 


You choose the payment method before registering on the site.

* You can only log in using the invitation code. You can try this codeEBLN to register

Register on the megatypers website


This site has the same characteristics as the MEGATYPERS site.

* On this site, you earn between $0.45 and $1.5 for every 1000 captcha codes.
*You can withdraw money by: 
Register on the protypers website
5 – Timebucks 
Although it is not primarily considered one of the sites for making money from captcha writing, it provides this method of profit.

The profit rates on the site are $0.003 / 15 captcha, which is about 20 cents / 1000 captcha.
The Timebucks website provides many other ways to profit, and you can view the comprehensive review of the Timebucks website with our proof of payment to ensure the credibility of the site.

The minimum withdrawal from the site is $10, and you can withdraw via: 

– Neteller
– Skrill
– Bitcoin
– Airtm 


Register on the timebucks website


This site is also considered a good captcha profit site, but there are many people who try to scam and make people pay for subscribing to the site. Be careful when dealing with this site.

Do not pay money to anyone because applying for this site is free.

*Profit rates range from $0.3 to $1.5 per 1000 captcha codes. 

* The minimum withdrawal amount is $2. 

You can withdraw profits from the site by: 

– perfect money 
-web money 
– bitcoin 
– neteller
Register on the captchatypers website


Topic summary 


  •  Profiting from Captcha codes is a real thing and it is considered one of the easiest ways to profit from the Internet for beginners.


  • The two best sites for profit from writing captcha codes, which we highly recommend, are Kolotibablo and 2captcha, and you can add timebucks to them as one of the good sites for profit in general.
Do you have any questions ? 

If you have any questions regarding a site mentioned in the topic, or you would like to know anything regarding any payment method,

I will wait for your questionand will answer you as soon as possible.

About the writer

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