The most important basic terms in electronic marketing (comprehensive dictionary)

The most important basic terms in electronic marketing (comprehensive dictionary)

If you are one of those who want to learn everything related to electronic marketing , then it is certain that you will face some obstacles when starting out, and perhaps one of the most important of those obstacles that beginners face in the various fields of marketing is the terminology completely new to them, not the terminology but also the very many abbreviations that are certain. She will meet you one day when you start making sponsored ads or when you start affiliate marketing or in a field such as marketing CPA offers or other different areas of electronic marketing.

In the beginning, you should know that you will learn all of these terms with repetition, and they will become very natural, and you will not need to return here to learn the meaning of these terms, but in the beginning, you should know them because it is certain that you will use them. 

Why do you need those terms?
E-marketing terms are used in most areas of work on the Internet. When you make a sponsored advertisement on Facebook or on Google, you use these terms, and when you create your blog, you will need some of these terms.

Some other terms are natural for you to know as an electronic marketer

Learn about the best affiliate marketing programs and networks in 2020

Necessary terminology when working in electronic marketing 

Digital marketing: This term means digital marketing in all its forms, which may be used by some as marketing on the Internet, but this term means marketing through all digital products (TV – radio – mobile phones – SMS messages – etc.)

Online marketing This is the term that means marketing via the Internet, regardless of the platform through which you advertise (Facebook – YouTube – Google – click-through companies – SEO).

(SMM (social media marketing) This term expresses electronic marketing through all social media networks (Facebook – Twitter – Pinterest – Snapchat – etc.)

(SEO (search engine optimization) This term refers to preparing the site for search engines, which works to make your site appear on search engines. It is a very common term among the bloggers community.
SERP is a term specific to search engines and means the first results page of a search engine

(SEM (search engine marketing) This term means electronic marketing through search engines, and this is done through (search ads, which are results that appear in the search results – advertising banners on blogs – similar content ads) and this is done through advertising networks affiliated with search engines, such as (Google adwords – Bingads)

Keywords are the keywords that are targeted in your advertisement, and they are the words that people interested in a specific thing search for (i.e. what visitors type in the search engine).

Landing page is one of the very important marketing methods that has a major role in increasing your sales by providing a very suitable means of attraction for the customer that prompts him to take an action.

Bounce rate: This term expresses the rate at which visitors bounce off your site or landing page. This is measured by a percentage. The lower this percentage, the better.

Lead generation means converting people interested in a specific thing or product into potential customers who will purchase (and in advertising, it means bringing visitors to your site)

Backlinks External links that point to your site or blog and come from external sites or forums. They are two types of backlinks (Dofollow – Nofollow) and work to improve the ranking of your site or blog in the search engine.

Impressions: This term means the views you obtained, whether in ads or on your site

(CPM (cost per mile) Cost per thousand impressions How much will you pay for every 1,000 impressions of your ad if you are an advertiser and how much will you get for every 1,000 ad impressions if you are a publisher (blogger – content creator)

(CPC (cost per click) The cost per click on your ad, that is, how much you will pay for each click on your ad if you are an advertiser and how much you will pay for each click on your ad if you are a publisher

(CPA (cost per action) The cost for each action performed by the visitor. The type of action varies from registering an email to registering a phone number to downloading an application. This means that you will pay only when this action is completed.

(CTR (click through rate) is the percentage of the number of clicks versus the number of times the advertisement was viewed (i.e. the number of clicks you obtained for every 100 views of the advertisement)

(CR (conversion rate) The conversion rate is a percentage that shows you how many people finished the offer that you made an advertisement for (whether buying a product – downloading a book – etc.)

(CTA (call to action) is a term that refers to motivating the visitor to perform a specific action after entering your landing page or your blog, such as (buying a product – sharing the topic – liking – following – etc.)

CPS (cost per sale) means the cost for each sale made, which is what you pay whenever someone buys your product.

PPI (pay per install) The cost per download of your application

(ROI (return on investment) is a percentage through which your profit percentage is calculated after all the expenses you have spent

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