YouTube channel ideas 2024 (+70 profitable ideas you can work on)

YouTube channel ideas 2024 (+70 profitable ideas you can work on)

If you are looking for YouTube channel ideas, whether visible or not, you are definitely in the right place.

First of all, I congratulate you on your decision to start YouTube, as it is definitely a right decision.

But are you really ready to start earning from YouTube ?

There is a long road you are about to walk that definitely starts with choosing a channel idea.

So let’s focus a little on what you’re here for.

[wpcc-iframe title=”YouTube channel ideas (with and without appearance) 2022″ width=”1200″ height=”675″ src=”” frameborder=”0″ allow=”accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture” allowfullscreen=””]

What do you think we should start with…

Steps to determine the most appropriate idea for your channel

Not all YouTube channel ideas here are suitable for you.

Only one or two of these ideas will definitely represent you.

But before choosing the idea, what makes you tell yourself, “This is the channel I want to create?”

Perhaps the answer is not easy, so let me make it easier for you with a set of questions:…

Will the channel’s profits achieve what I want?

You will find a lot of people, whether bloggers or YouTube content creators, telling you that you should not focus on profits in the beginning.

But is this true?

of course no.

Let me be frank with you, when I started working in the field of blogging, I started it because the profits were good, and you also chose to start on YouTube because it is one of the areas of profit from the Internet , which I knew made a lot of profits, right?

Therefore, in the beginning, you must study the field in which you will start and record all possible ways of profiting from this niche.

  • Selling products.
  • Marketing products.
  • Paid courses.
  • Paid content.
  • etc…

But since the most famous source of profit is advertisements, it is necessary to know the prices of clicks in your field.

Note: You can do this easily through Google Ads .

Learn about:YouTube channels’ profits from advertisements (a study of more than 100 channels).

Is the field suitable for me?

You may like some YouTube channel ideas, but after starting them, you will not find your passion, or you may find them not suitable.

For example, a girl wants to start her own YouTube channel. Is it normal to start a channel that talks about football or weightlifting?

Thus, with every field, always choose the field that best suits you, the environment around you, and your personal beliefs and convictions.

Will I show my face or not?

I like those who search for YouTube channel ideas without an appearance because they know very well that they will not be able to start a channel on their own.

Therefore, when choosing the idea for the channel, think carefully. Is this field possible in which videos can be created without appearing?

If never.

If you think that the videos will not be excellent, just avoid this idea and look for other suitable ideas.

Do I have the capabilities to start in this field?

It is important to determine whether you have a skill required in a particular field or not.

For example, you would like to launch a channel using motion graphics technology!!

Can you design motion graphic videos? If not don’t start.

These are simply the most important questions that you should ask yourself, the most important of which is certainly the first question.

Now let’s move quickly to…

Ideas for successful and profitable YouTube channels 2021

Here I will put before you a group of YouTube channel ideas, some of which require your face to appear, and others you can create without appearing.

But more importantly, the YouTube channel ideas will be arranged so that the first half of the ideas are the highest in terms of prices/1000 views for this type of content.

Let’s start with

1- Ideas for YouTube channels in the fields of finance and business

This group is the highest priced in terms of advertisements and includes 19 different ideas, which are as follows:

  • An idea for a channel in the field of banking and economic news in your country.
  • E-commerce channels of all types and fields.
  • The idea of ​​the Micronitch YouTube channel talks about Amazon Fba (commerce on Amazon as a seller).
  • A YouTube channel about professional drop shipping (promoting and selling products that you do not own).
  • The idea of ​​a channel that talks about local trade, the most important requirements, and more.
  • The idea of ​​a channel about teaching import and export (I followed the channel and it was progressing very quickly in terms of subscribers).
  • A YouTube channel specializing in making profits from the Internet (trust me when I tell you that its profits are very large).
  • Ideas for different YouTube channels that talk about projects and feasibility studies.
  • The idea of ​​a channel specializing in the field of teaching everything related to digital currencies (excellent profits).
  • YouTube channel for teaching Forex from beginning to professionalism (huge profits).
  • The idea of ​​a channel specializing in binary options trading (the affiliate marketing are very excellent).
  • A channel for teaching stock trading on the Internet (paid ads + above-premium advertising prices).
  • A channel specialized in investing and trading in the stock market (few people interested, but very good profits).
  • The idea of ​​a YouTube channel specializing in online business .
  • A channel specializing in explaining websites by screen recording (its profits depend on the type of websites explained).
  • The idea of ​​a YouTube channel specializing in displaying real estate, whether for sale or rent.
  • The idea of ​​a YouTube channel specializing in agricultural projects, seasons, and home crops.
  • A YouTube channel specializing in various fields of design and teaching it (for those who have the talent for design).
  • Idea for a YouTube channel to teach programming (excellent profits).
  • The idea of ​​a YouTube channel about different cars.
  • A YouTube channel specializing in jobs and the most important things you need to do in order to get a job.

But I do not have any passion in the field of finance and business.

No problem, let me tell you…

2- Ideas for YouTube channels in the field of electronic marketing

This group is also characterized by high advertising prices and other profit methods as well, so let us quickly start with…

  • The idea of ​​a channel specializing in electronic marketing of its various types, fields and tools.
  • A channel specialized in teaching blogging and creating blogs (very excellent profits).
  • The idea of ​​a YouTube channel specializing in explaining WordPress (a blogging system) and how to solve its problems (very good profits).
  • A YouTube channel specializing in teaching SEO (which is improving the appearance of websites in search results).
  • The idea of ​​a YouTube channel specializing in affiliate marketing only (very excellent profits).
  • The idea of ​​a YouTube channel is to explain different promotion methods, whether free or paid (very good profits).
  • A channel specialized in sales and explaining sales strategies (excellent profits, but requires a lot of effort).
  • Finally, the idea of ​​YouTube channels teaches others about YouTube (but only after you launch your first channel and become familiar with everything related to YouTube ).

Unfortunately, but I also don’t want to start in the field of marketing. Do you have anything else?

Yes, let’s move quickly to…

3- Ideas for YouTube channels in the educational and news fields

In this group you will find ideas for YouTube channels that talk about self, education, and news.

The most important of these ideas are…

  • Educational channels if you are a teacher and want to teach a subject to your students.
  • YouTube channel for teaching different languages.
  • A YouTube channel specializing in teaching drawing.
  • Start teaching your field of study (but make sure you are an expert in it).
  • Channels specialized in teaching crafts and handicrafts.
  • The channel that talks about different personal hobbies.
  • A channel for summarizing various books.
  • Channels that talk about human development, self-development and personal skills.
  • The idea of ​​a channel that talks about the latest technical news and technology in the world.
  • A channel specialized in reviewing phones and various electronic devices.
  • An educational channel about raising pets (but the profits are not great in Arab society).
  • The idea of ​​a channel to teach more things about marital and family relationships.
  • A channel to teach the most important principles of raising children and motherhood.
  • The idea of ​​a channel showcasing your experience with the best Android applications.
  • A channel that discusses news about your country, city, or province.

Some people may not find a suitable idea in everything above, so I collected another group for you, which is…

4- Ideas for YouTube channels in the field of health, fashion, beauty and cooking

The set of ideas here is more suitable for girls, but there are some ideas that are also useful for young men, the most important of which are…

  • The idea of ​​a YouTube channel for recipes and cooking education (one of the most watched videos on YouTube).
  • The idea of ​​a YouTube channel in the health niche (large views but small profits).
  • A YouTube channel specializing in skin and related products (good profits and a large audience).
  • A YouTube channel for everything related to poetry (good audience, weak profits).
  • The idea of ​​a channel specializing in clothes, fashion, and matching clothes together (very good audience).
  • The idea of ​​a channel specializing in slimming and weight loss (huge number of views).
  • A channel specializing in teaching exercises that can be done at home and outside the home without a gym.
  • A channel specialized in teaching all gym exercises.

But I also couldn’t find what suits me.

Now only the last part of our place remains, which is…

5- Entertainment YouTube channel ideas

Here I will share with you a group of ideas for entertainment content that you can create on YouTube.

Let’s start with…

  • Launch your own podcast (audible content only). It is preferable to host a celebrity on your show.
  • The idea of ​​the Top 10 channel, which is one of the most viewed and profitable channels on YouTube.
  • Motivation channels (content watched by thousands of people) are also called cashcow channels.
  • A review channel for movies and series (one of the most watched content on YouTube, but the profits are average).
  • Trend channels (channels launched specifically to comment on trends, whether on YouTube or in general).
  • The idea of ​​a YouTube channel talks about challenges (eating challenges and other popular content on YouTube with the most viewers).
  • A YouTube channel specializing in pranks (also very popular entertainment content on YouTube).
  • The idea of ​​a YouTube channel specializing in questions and answers for people on the street (also very popular).
  • Start a Vlog and share your daily situations with your audience.
  • The idea of ​​a YouTube channel specializing in travel and tourism (a very popular content with very high profits).
  • A YouTube channel to review different places in your country or other countries (but advertising profits are small).
  • Start a historical YouTube channel and share the history of your country and other countries.
  • Start a religious channel and share with people the most important matters of religion.
  • The idea of ​​a gaming channel (very famous and with good profits).
  • A comedy YouTube channel (its views are also high).
  • Sports channel and match analysis (one of the very popular content on YouTube).
  • The idea of ​​a music and songs channel (huge views and good profits, but it requires effort and talent).

With this, we have finished with the best ideas for profitable YouTube channels that you can start with.

Now the next step is to choose a distinctive YouTube channel name .

Now tell me…

Do you have any questions or would you like to ask about anything but are hesitant?

I am waiting for you in the comments.

About the writer

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