An excellent income project in Saudi Arabia (top 8 projects)

An excellent income project in Saudi Arabia (top 8 projects)

Are you looking for an excellent income project in Saudi Arabia that you can rely on?

After much research and experience, I have collected for you in this guide the 8 best projects that provide you with an excellent income.

These projects may be electronic projects , but most of them are real projects.

When explaining each project, you will find me talking in detail about the project and sharing with you information that you will need, such as:

  • The cost of the project.
  • What do you need?
  • Best way to start with it.

So if that’s what you’re looking for let’s take a ride, but first let’s get honest…

What premium income do you mean?

If what you mean by an excellent income from the project ranges from 1,000 to 50,000 riyals per month, the projects below actually provide that.

But if you are looking for more income, you will most likely need a larger project than those on this list.


I advise you to learn about the income rates from any project so that you know that the project’s income mostly depends on the invested capital and the size of the project.

in another meaning…

The larger the project, the greater the possibility of generating huge returns and income from it.

Now let me answer you in detail the most important question, which is…

What is the best project with excellent income in Saudi Arabia?

The order of the following list of projects is random.

Naturally, I prefer electronic projects more than projects on the ground, but let’s start our list with a project on the ground that will bring you an excellent income in Saudi Arabia, which is…

1- Perfume store project

Perfumes are one of the most consumed products in the Kingdom, and of course I am talking here about musk and oud as well.

After personal experience with a client who owns a brand that sells oud and perfumes, I can assure you that this project has excellent income if you can implement all the steps of this project correctly and professionally.

The cost of this project may not be large, but the income from it is excellent and it is worth the experience.

In order to be able to sell at good prices, and thus a good income, you must first build your brand.

I pay attention to the product packaging, its packaging, the quality of the perfumes, and the images of the products.

I am also looking for the best sources from which you can buy raw materials for perfumes at the best prices so that you can increase your income.

After that, my advice is to launch a simple online store through the Salla platform and start promoting the perfumes in your store through Snapchat, TikTok, and Instagram platforms.

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2- Honey store project

Honey business is the most profitable business in Saudi Arabia for me.

I am currently working with a client who has a brand that sells honey, and he does so only online through an online store.

I can assure you that he generates more than excellent income.

But in order to do that, it’s important to take care of your brand.

The more you can distinguish and differ from the traditional with your brand, the more income you can achieve from the project.

My client markets honey as a health-enhancing food for men, so he can sell more honey this way.

He also continuously invests in his online store and the products available on it.

Therefore, my advice is to try this project and pay attention to it, and you will be able to achieve an excellent income.

The cost of this project may not exceed 5,000 riyals, or it could become more than 50,000 if you decide to create your own apiary.

3- Car wash project

Car washes are one of the projects that everyone has been talking about since ancient times.

Until now, this project is considered one of the highest-income projects in Saudi Arabia.


The biggest problem for me with this project is: location.

In addition to the location, the space and renting it may cost a lot.

As for labor, it may be found easily or may represent an obstacle depending on the location of the project.


If you are looking for a project with an excellent income, but it has some obstacles that require effort from you, then this laundry project is considered one of the good projects.

You can also start this car wash project as a mobile car wash, and you will save yourself a lot.

In terms of cost, you may need at least 100 thousand riyals

4- Women’s gym project

If you are looking or looking for successful projects in Saudi Arabia for women, then starting a women’s gym is one of the best projects you can rely on.

In this project you can achieve a continuous monthly income passively.

This means a one-time investment in equipment and excellent monthly income.

Why a women’s gym?

Because men’s gyms are widely spread in various countries, but women’s gyms are somewhat few in number so far.

So I highly recommend starting the project this way.

Here you need:

  • Find a suitable space and rent it.
  • Find and hire some professional female trainers.
  • Finally, market your project well.

The cost of this project may be the highest on this list, so if your budget is medium or small, I advise you to look for another project.

5- YouTube channel project without appearance

YouTube channels without appearance, or as they are called cash cow channels, are channels in which content is shared without the need for a person to appear in person to display it.

Therefore, this project can be considered one of the best projects with excellent income in Saudi Arabia.

Because you can easily delegate all these tasks to other people and pay them.

And you start collecting profits from your channel.

In a previous guide, I talked about making money from YouTube without appearing . I strongly advise you to read this guide in order to know all the details.


In general, you can achieve more than excellent income from YouTube channels, and I have already talked about channel profits and how much they can earn you.

In terms of profit, our first and easiest channel reliance is on YouTube ads, but there are many ways to profit from YouTube that I have already shared.

Therefore, this project is excellent and I recommend it as a good source of income.

The cost of starting a Cash Cow channel ranges between 2000 and 30 thousand riyals, and larger amounts can be invested depending on your desire.

6- A project to manufacture and sell handmade products

Manufacturing handmade products is one of the profitable projects for women .

But it is not limited to women, it is one of the profitable projects for men and can be done at home .

You have several options for products that you can start making by hand, but what I highly recommend for its excellent income is the manufacture of leather products.

Here the project profit margin may reach 100% in the worst case.

Therefore, this project may bring you the income you dream of.

7- Restaurant project

A restaurant is a very traditional project, but it is still a good project that you can start.

Will this project have an excellent income if we decide to start it in Saudi Arabia?

I don’t think the income from the restaurant is bad, but I don’t think it’s excellent.

Except in one case only!!!

If you can launch a restaurant with a different and new idea, it will attract the attention of food lovers spread throughout the Kingdom.

The most important step in this project is finding a distinguished location where you can start your restaurant.

Good marketing and maintaining customers for your project is very important, so do not neglect it.

8- Clothing store project

A clothing store is one of the projects with good income in Saudi Arabia, but like the previous project, it is a traditional project.

The best way to turn this project from good income to excellent income is to start selling online.

In addition to the store you just started, you can launch an online store at a cost of no more than 100 riyals per month, and then start promoting your clothes online.

By doing this, you will be able to double your sales, and thus you will be able to double your project’s income.

The cost of this project is somewhat moderate. You only need 75 to 150 thousand riyals in order to start a good clothing store.

Note: It is preferable to launch a store that specializes in selling one type of clothing, let us assume women’s abayas only. This ensures that you will be able to compete, and consumers will trust that you will provide them with more than good quality.

Thus, we have reached the end of our list, in which I hope you have found an excellent income project that can be launched in Saudi Arabia.

Ultimately I am here to help you.


If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us.

About the writer

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