Increase YouTube subscribers for free (19 real ways) 2024

Do you want to increase YouTube subscribers for free in effective and legitimate ways?
If this is what you are looking for then let me tell you that this is what you will find here.
I researched at length and developed some of my own strategies on this topic so that you do not need to search again.
Therefore, I hope that you find what you are looking for and try as much as possible to implement everything in this topic.
Even if you think that some steps are illogical, implement them and you will notice the results over time.
Now are you ready to get to know…
How to increase YouTube subscribers for free?
I know very well the importance of increasing subscribers if you want to profit from YouTube .
Therefore, I have collected for you here only the methods that will not negatively affect your channel.
I avoided some methods, such as exchanging YouTube subscribers and other methods that might harm your channel, but in the end it is up to you what you implement and what you avoid.
1- Double your views and double your subscribers
How can people subscribe to your channel if they haven’t watched your videos yet?
Therefore, our first method here is to increase the number of viewers of your videos as much as possible.
Suppose you get 1% subscribers from your total number of views:
- If you get 100 views per day, you will only get 1 subscriber.
- But if we make the number of people watching your videos 10,000, you will get 100 subscribers.
And so on…
So all you have to do in the beginning is double the reach of your videos.
You may not know how to do this, so I collected for you the best 34 steps to increase YouTube views for free .
Make sure you read them and apply them.
2- Do not neglect the power of specialization (Niche)
If you have not already started your channel, let me remind you of the most important factor (specialization).
At a time when everyone wants to work and profit, choosing one specialty will distinguish you.
You might be thinking to yourself that the more topics you talk about the more subscribers your channel will have.
But in fact the opposite is true.
Therefore, in my opinion, the niche is the most important way to increase YouTube subscribers for free.
This is for several reasons, including:
- When you speak in one field, viewers see you as experts in that field.
- Once you choose the niche, you will begin to learn about all its aspects and thus you will be able to compete in it.
- Most importantly, by targeting the right niche, you will be able to increase YouTube profits more than public channels.
Therefore, you must choose the field of your channel very carefully.
Note: Before you start creating content for the niche you have chosen, search on YouTube to find out whether the videos in this niche have a good number of views or not.
If you do not realize how powerful some niches are, perhaps you need to look at the profits of YouTube channels .
Bonus: Choose a field in which you believe you can be creative in order to convince your audience that you are the best.
3- Create videos that people are actually searching for
Before creating any video, you must know whether this topic is actually being searched for by people or not.
This definitely comes from your knowledge of the importance of keywords for YouTube .
Since we have already talked extensively about this topic, let me tell you the simplest way through which you can know whether you should start preparing the video or not.
All you have to do is:
- Go to YouTube and use YouTube’s search box to search for your topic.
- Filter the results and make only videos uploaded this month appear.
- After that, look at the views of each video to know whether there is an audience searching for the video or not.
- If you find a suitable number, start preparing for the video.
For example, I searched for “abdominal weight loss” to see the results and found the following:
It is clear that a lot of people want this content, so it is a good content to create a video around.
But how can you use this method to increase YouTube subscribers for free?
Once someone searches for something and finds your video in which you provide the answer to this question, it is natural for them to subscribe to your channel, especially if you provide really useful information.
Therefore, paying attention to what people actually want is essential to increasing YouTube subscribers.
4- Quality is more important than quantity in content
Quality first, then number…
Every day, dozens of people start their YouTube channels.
Therefore, choosing who to follow is not an easy matter.
Here comes your role, to force viewers through your content to subscribe and follow you.
If you apply all the steps here and your content is not useful, you will most likely not achieve any results.
But if your content is useful and contains valuable and not widespread information…
Congratulations, you can increase YouTube subscribers for free with ease.
So when creating a new video for your channel, ask yourself first…
Is there other information that I did not mention? Is there anyone who has provided more information on this topic than me?
If your answer is no, post the video.
But if you find another YouTuber who has provided more than what you will provide, edit the video and try to make it complete and better organized, then start publishing it.
5- Convert viewers into subscribers
You must have followed a lot of people on YouTube.
Did you forget to subscribe to the channel and activate the bell?
You may think that people subscribe even if YouTube does not invite them to subscribe…
This is true, but to a small extent, a person may forget to subscribe even if he likes the content.
Therefore, it is necessary to remind him to subscribe if you want to increase YouTube subscribers.
6- Try long videos
The longer the video, the more people will watch it.
Contrary to what some people say that long videos are boring and no one watches them, long videos are among the most watched videos.
This is certainly because it contains a huge and often complete amount of information.
Which makes people rate them as useful videos even before watching them.
Therefore, if you want to increase YouTube subscribers for free, you must start preparing a long video for your channel.
Of course, you will not publish a 10-hour video like the one above, but just be sure to provide as much information as possible in one of your videos so that it will be considered a course.
7- Launch the first Giveaway video
After studying many channels that offer Giveaways videos, I concluded that it is one of the best things you can do to increase YouTube subscribers.
The channels that I followed doubled the number of subscribers in a very short period of presenting these types of videos.
What do giveaways videos mean?
- Support videos for small channels.
- Videos that offer different financial prizes.
- Videos that offer non-material rewards, such as (strategies, books, etc.).
All of this basically depends on you inviting viewers to like the video and comment, and you will choose one of the channels at random.
The secret here: the more interaction there is on your videos, the more the video will reach other people.
The result is ultimately an increase in subscribers to the channel.
8- Create your channel professionally
Your channel is like your business. The better it looks, the more people will come to it.
Therefore, if you want to increase YouTube subscribers, it is necessary that you prepare your channel professionally.
All you have to do is:
- Pay attention to the channel description and put what you will present in this description.
- Set a unique cover and profile image for your channel.
- Pay attention to your channel’s Tags.
- Don’t forget to put a welcome video on the channel.
- Choose a unique name for your channel that others will not forget.
Simple things, but they distinguish you from many unknown channels on YouTube.
9- Search for others in your field and exchange ads with them
If you want to increase YouTube subscribers for free, it is necessary to start forming some relationships with those around you.
You are not the only one who wants to increase subscribers to his channel.
Therefore, you have to start searching for small channels in your niche, communicate with them, and offer them an advertising exchange.
Many of them will refuse but you are sure to find some who agree.
All you have to do is start promoting him and he will promote you in return.
You will get some of his subscribers as well.
All you have to do now is repeat this process with as many subscribers as possible so that you can get many subscribers.
10- A distinctive video image is an essential factor
When you go to YouTube, the first thing you will see is the video image.
If the video image is attractive and professional, you will go to watch this video, and if you like it, you will subscribe, right?
This is not the case with you alone, everyone on YouTube does this.
Therefore, if you want to increase YouTube subscribers to your channel for free, it is important that you give the Thumbnail video image some effort and focus.
11- Interact with all viewers
The process of converting a viewer into a subscriber is not an easy matter…
Do you know how many times a potential customer is converted into a customer?
At least 5 times of communication.
Therefore, if you want to increase subscribers, you must interact with these viewers, answer all their questions, and convince them that you are their friend.
Once these people trust you, you can sell and promote anything to them.
Thus, you will be able to increase your income from YouTube.
12- Pay attention to video SEO
In order to be at the top of YouTube search results, you must pay attention to SEO in every video you publish, which is important to increase subscribers.
In fact, the improvement steps here are very easy.
Do you remember the keywords that people search for that we obtained from the YouTube search box?
All you have to do now is:
- Choose only one keyword.
- Put that word (or sentence) at the beginning of the video title.
- Start writing a good description of the video and put the keyword at the beginning, middle, and end.
- Create some tags for the video and include the keyword in them.
- Use the hashtag (#keyword) at the end of the description.
These are the most important basics that you can do to improve the visibility of your video to more people and thus increase YouTube subscribers for free.
13- Make sure that the video is professional
As I told you before, the content is the most important thing in the video to get subscribers.
But it is also important that you improve everything else to make the video more professional, which certainly means more YouTube subscribers.
The most important thing you need to improve is:
- The image quality of the video.
- The clarity of the sound you are recording.
- Choose a good background.
- Filming in a suitable location.
- Definitely stay away from noisy places.
If you can improve these things, you will naturally be able to increase YouTube subscribers to your channel.
14- Don’t forget the Playlist
Although it is not an essential factor in increasing YouTube subscribers, it is useful.
Suppose you are creating an “Excel course” and you put all the videos in one list with this name.
When someone searches for this term above, your Playlist will appear.
Since a person will most likely not be able to complete all of this list at once, he will subscribe to your channel.
Thus, you have been able to increase YouTube subscribers for free in a very simple matter.
15- Continue posting at fixed times
Continuing to publish, whether on fixed or different dates, is extremely important in order to improve the visibility of your channel on YouTube.
But publishing continuously and at fixed times will enable you to maintain your audience for a longer period and at the same time inform the YouTube search engine of your seriousness and regularity in publishing.
This will help your videos be seen by more people.
Which also ultimately means increasing your YouTube channel subscribers.
16- Promote your next video
Planning in life is very important.
Planning on YouTube is also very important to increase subscribers for free.
All you have to do is talk at the end of each video about the next video and what you will present.
In this way, you motivate viewers who have not yet subscribed to subscribe so that they will be the first to see what you will present.
17- Pay attention to social media
The more followers you have on different social media sites, the easier it will be to promote your channel.
You may not realize this, but social media sites are a powerful force to increase YouTube subscribers for free.
All you have to do is take care of your accounts on these sites as much as possible, enlarge them, then publish the link to your channel, and you will get subscribers according to the number of your followers.
If you post the link directly on social media sites, you will likely only get a very small number of interactions.
The best way is to choose a small part of the video (60 seconds), publish it, and put the link to the full video on YouTube above.
If these 60 seconds are useful, you will often get very many visits and thus huge numbers of subscribers (and perhaps also many shares).
18- Promote your channel through your blog
For me, blogging is one of the best areas for making money online .
It is also one of the best ways to increase YouTube subscribers for free.
All you have to do is create your own blog and start posting content on it.
Now it’s time to promote your channel:
- Place a subscribe button to your channel inside the blog.
- Post your videos in topics.
- You can also place a banner (image) inviting visitors to your blog to join your channel.
There are many ways you can take advantage of having a blog.
So make sure to own one as soon as possible.
19- Search for communities in your field and join them
If you want to increase YouTube subscribers for free, you must search for groups of people interested in your niche and start promoting your channel among them.
You can find these gatherings on:
- Facebook groups.
- Arab forums .
- Quora website or Reddit community (for foreign content).
All you have to do is try to benefit these people after joining them.
When they find that your channel deserves support and that they benefit from your videos, they will certainly start subscribing to your channel.
Bonus:YouTube search ads
Although it is not a free method, it is necessary to put it here.
Advertising on YouTube, especially this type of advertisement, will greatly help you in obtaining subscribers.
personal experience:
I made an advertisement for one of my videos and was able to attract about 60 subscribers for only 50 pounds.
Although it is not a small amount, you are guaranteed to get people who are actually interested.
I explained this method in detail in the topic How to buy YouTube followers. You can see it for more.
These were the best ways to increase YouTube subscribers for free for me.
Do you have any questions?
If there is something you would like to ask about, do not hesitate to contact me.