Invest your money with a monthly return (the best 9 ideas) 2024

Invest your money with a monthly return.
This is an obvious fact and not just a headline to grab your attention
Many ways to invest in life and online provide you with the opportunity to obtain a monthly income from your investments.
Perhaps the best example that teaches us this type of investment is Robert Kiyosaki in his book Rich Dad, Poor Dad.
If you have heard about this book, you know very well how keen it is to remind us of the difference between the average person and the investor, and that this lies specifically in the correct view of money and knowing how to direct it in the right place.
If there is something we can conclude from this introduction, it is the necessity of investing because it represents the right way to deal with money wisely and intelligently at the same time.
This leaves us with two basic questions:
- Do you have the spirit of a true investor?
- How can you invest your money to bring you more money on a monthly basis?
But before learning about ways to invest your money with a monthly return, let me first tell you what investment means.
Investment concept
Firstly, what is investment and what is its importance?
Many people confuse monthly income or employment with investment.
Just having a fixed monthly income is understood by some people as something that saves them from investing.
An intelligent person divides his income between saving and investment, and allocates a portion to spending.
Therefore, investment is a key part of a financial system that aims to:
- Human independence financially.
- And provide him with security in the future.
From here we understand that investment is the way by which income grows and savings grow, and it is not a substitute for saving.
The following paragraphs will discuss a group of ideas that answer this question…
How do I invest my money with a monthly return?
There are many distinctive ways in which you can put your money and wait for a monthly return.
But in this topic, I have collected for you the simplest and best ways that you can start and do not require a large capital.
1- Bank certificates and savings vouchers available in banks
The first method is bank certificates and savings accounts available in banks.
Yes this is the age old advice that will still work at all times.
One of the best ways to achieve a monthly return is to build savings pools over time in banks.
Certificates and deposits vary from one bank to another. Perhaps the most famous example of these certificates with a monthly return is the certificate from the Banks of Egypt and the National Bank, which offers an interest of 18% annually.
Although these certificates do not last long, they are unique opportunities that you can take advantage of if you have some money.
Just make sure to choose a bank certificate that pays monthly, whether it is 3 years or less.
Note: Although I put it as the first method, it is a low-return method (because it is somewhat safer), but if you work correctly according to the methods above, you can achieve more than 5% per month as a return on your investments.
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2- Cash dividend shares
These stocks are considered one of the best and easiest solutions if you are looking for a stable monthly income.
You must invest over different time periods, which is called time diversification to enter into the stock.
Dividend shares are shares of companies that have reached the stage of financial maturity, and therefore these companies do not need to reinvest their profits again. Moreover, they prefer to pay them to shareholders.
If you buy dividend stocks monthly, each month is a different stock, and since these stocks pay dividends at different time periods at the beginning of each month….
You will find that there are profits flowing into your portfolio. This is called operating profit
As for capital gain , it is the result of holding shares for a long period of time and as the value of these shares increases.
You have now obtained a return on your investments in two ways:
- The first method is to profit from direct income from shares (cash dividends).
- The second method is the growth of the stock price itself
The best thing about this method is that as you hold the shares for a long period of time, you will find that every time there is a stock that rises, you can sell this stock and at the same time buy another stock whose price has decreased.
Therefore, you will find that you have liquidity and have a good monthly return at the same time.
3- Create a website
Another way to achieve a stable monthly income is to create a website.
You may think that building a website is a difficult idea, but now it has become easier than you imagine.
- First, even if you do not have any experience with websites and programming, there are many website building sites that provide what is known as a drag-and-drop system through which you can build a complete website without any programming.
- With a few simple steps, you can create a professional website in minutes.
- You can also create a WordPress blog and purchase one of the ready-made templates such as this website.
- Blogger blogs are also a good option to start, but I do not recommend them to an investor who wants a monthly return.
There are dozens of types of sites that you can do, each of which differs in cost, such as:
- Blogs: Cost as an investment of $500 (approximately $50-$100 income per month)
- Specialized services sites: Their cost as an investment is 1000 – 5000 dollars (their monthly income depends on the quality of the services provided, but exceeds 200 dollars per month)
- Recruitment platforms: huge budget but also huge profits.
The site cost will mostly go to 3 places:
- Website hosting.
- The domain is the name of the site.
- As well as purchasing articles if you are not an expert in the field or do not like writing itself (or hiring people).
The idea of any website depends mainly on your skills and what you can do, so anything you can do, you can create a website and present it through it.
As for income from websites, there are many distinctive methods, the most famous of which are:
- Advertisements (Google AdSense): which are used by most content sites (blogs).
- Paid ads: the most profitable method for major blogs.
- Subscriptions: Recruitment platforms receive subscriptions from companies.
- Commissions: Various service-providing platforms receive a commission or price difference.
- And others…
The idea of the website, although it is a traditional idea, is distinct and capable of achieving profit in all fields.
But the most important thing is that you must have a distinctive product and a competitive advantage to avoid entering the fierce competition in the market.
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4- Affiliate marketing of products
Affiliate marketing is promoting a company in exchange for receiving a commission for every sale made.
You can market products and services in different ways such as:
- Exploiting your personal page on the social networking site.
- Building a website, as we talked about in the previous paragraph, and promoting products through it.
- You can even market directly to your friends and neighbors.
- Or you can invest in paid advertisements and deduct part of your commission as advertising costs and the other part as profit.
Sponsored ads are the only way through which you can get a monthly return that only you specify.
This is certainly because it depends mainly on the budget that you spend, and therefore the more you spend, the greater the monthly return on your investment.
But you will definitely need to learn a lot, such as:
- How to choose a suitable product.
- How to make a sponsored advertisement.
- How to write distinctive content that attracts customers.
- Determine the location of your audience (so that you can promote in the appropriate location)
- How to analyze your advertising campaigns and understand their numbers.
- How to optimize your advertising campaigns to spend less and convert more customers.
Or you can simply invest and find professionals to do all this for you.
The way to track sales and profits is simple, which is that the site will provide you with a link to each product. You share this link with others, and when they click on it and purchase, you get your commission.
There are many affiliate marketing sites that you can start working on, and we have already talked about them. If you want products or services to market, I have put the best 35 affiliate marketing programs in another topic so that you can start faster.
5- Publish and sell an e-book
Selling electronic and paper books is also one of the most important ways to invest your money with a monthly income.
If you have work in a field or have sufficient experience, you can exploit this experience to publish an e-book.
This book will sell well as long as you organize it well, put unique information in it, and finally promote it in an appropriate way.
It’s not as difficult as it used to be…
You do not need to pay huge sums of money to publish your book!!
There are many digital publishing houses available on the Internet that provide the print-on-demand feature for paper books as well as the download feature for e-books.
All you have to do is draft the book, then write the book, then review and revise it linguistically to be in a form that suits potential readers.
After completing the preparation of the book, you must promote it in any way you deem effective.
The most popular methods used by writers for promotion are:
- Create an electronic blog to share their ideas for free, then promote their paid book to their existing audience that knows them well.
- You can also talk to some influencers in the field to talk about your book and make reviews of it, which will motivate people to buy the book.
- You can also offer it on various book stores, the most famous of which is Amazon.
The best thing about the book is that you make a one-time investment, whether in promotion or writing.
It is an investment in time rather than money and then achieving a fixed monthly return over long periods of time.
6- Investing in real estate
Real estate is considered one of the best investment methods that provide an excellent monthly return, and it is also a very special way to protect your money from inflation.
There are two types of returns when investing in real estate:…
1- Capital profit through:
- Growth in the value of commercial real estate over time.
- Or the difference between the price at which you bought and the price at which you later sell.
- To him it is called capitalist profit.
2- Operating profit:
It is the profit you earn from renting this property, whether residential or administrative, which generates a monthly return for you.
Advantages of real estate investment
- Investing in real estate is a unique way to protect against inflation.
- Real estate prices often rise over time.
- It maintains the purchasing value of money
The only problem with this type of investment is that it requires a large amount in the beginning, but with time you will find distinctive stability.
What is also special here is that if you adhere to the rules of real estate investment, you will find yourself facing a huge return on your investment.
7- Investing in creating an educational course
If you do not prefer writing and you have good experience and information, then the field of courses is a great way to invest your money and obtain a monthly income.
Investing your money here boils down to:
- Get people to help you prepare educational content.
- In addition to an additional budget to promote your course.
Courses are one of the most unique investments you can make.
But you always need a distinctive personality and a professional presentation style that makes following you and buying your content something that does not require much thought.
You can definitely save some of the starting amount from the promotion by taking advantage of free promotion methods such as:
- Educational blogs.
- YouTube channels.
- Tik Tok videos.
- Social media of all kinds.
There are many video creation programs that you can use for this.
The best program that I think will help you is videocreator, which I find rather special.
As we mentioned in the book section, you can also talk to some influencers in your field in order to promote these courses indirectly.
This method also makes your name more famous in the field and thus attracts you to personal advertisements or private consultations.
8- Selling products online
How many times have you seen a company offer you attractive and beautiful products online, especially on an occasion?
In Ramadan, for example, you will find:
- Selling lanterns
- And selling special products during Ramadan
In addition to many new home products, the idea is simpler than you can imagine and does not cost a lot of money!
Many of the sellers who promote these products do not own these products. They agree with merchants and importers and promote this product only, and therefore the cost is the cost of advertising.
When you achieve sales, you get your percentage and return the capital to the importer or merchant.
I already tried working this way with shoe retailers and they actually agreed.
You can also take advantage of this method intelligently and take advantage of the fact that every month of the year there is an occasion and buy a suitable product for it and promote it at this time of the year.
Therefore, the task of convincing people to buy will be an easy and simple task.
And when:
- Improve customer service and care about them
- It fulfills orders on time
- And it sells at a good price
Over time, you will build a large customer base through which you can easily sell any product on a monthly basis.
A different idea for investing your money with a monthly return (selling a product you do not own)
Now with an idea that is somewhat different from what you expect, but it may be suitable for you.
The idea is:
You create a virtual nuts and sweets store online.
You will not buy from this store….
All that matters is that you will only promote the products, and when you receive a request from customers, you will purchase from one of the wholesale stores with prior agreement between you.
You place special materials for your packaging and deliver them to the shipping company representative. In this way, you will not risk any capital.
All you have to do is:
- Pay attention to building your page on the social networking site.
- And create attractive designs.
- Study the market prices of competitors.
- Then sell at the best price so that you can compete and profit.
In this article, I tried to make the phrase “invest your money with a monthly return” realistic and implementable in more than one way.
In your opinion, what is the biggest challenge for those who want to invest monthly?
Is it choosing the right path or fear of taking risks?
Waiting for your opinions in the comments.